As we rapidly approach Passover 2015 within a few hours, I once again reflect on the misdirection that occurred so many centuries ago.  My own journey through faith in Christ has been a rocky one with many hills and valleys.  The past decade has been especially trying as I’ve had my eyes opened to the reality that all is not totally above board in the practice of modern Christianity.  In fact it hasn’t been for centuries.

When it comes to the question of Passover or Easter most Christians will say Easter of course.  It’s ‘the’ celebration of celebrations for all of Christendom.  The entire reason for the faith.  The resurrection of Christ the Messiah.  But is it really, or is simply what we’ve all been told? continue reading »

A tale of facing mortality and second chances from being blessed by GOD

Most trials and difficulties in life aren’t really brain surgery.  Once in a while, it really is.

Modern Miracles, what a mouthful, right?  What do those two words evoke when you see or hear them?  In this day often our thoughts move directly to technology, especially related to micro evolution that surrounds us.  One thing that comes to mind is a recent development of tiny robotic machines that could one day traverse our veins and spy on health issues.  Dare we imagine?  How about a cure for cancer, or AIDs or other such plagues against our bodies?  How about just eliminating the common cold as we nearly have smallpox?  That one I’d like to see. continue reading »


Did you notice the sunrise this morning?  No?  I’m sure you’re not alone.  And that is a real shame.
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If you’ve spent any time in church, you’ve probably heard something about him.  A guy living in the wilderness eating locusts, preaching, and baptizing people.
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