The commonly used name for this health insurance revolution is just the tip of this iceberg of lies starting with it’s namesake having taken a phoney name himself to cover his past.  But that’s another story for another day.  This particular story is most pressing right now, enough so that I’ve put off getting older stories posted at the moment.  The bottom line: brace yourself for a possible severe federal income tax fine if you are enrolled in O-care. continue reading »


This old but still unfolding story just makes one involuntarily shake their head.
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I suppose it’s altogether fitting I write this on a day when I’m off work in honor of the memory of one of our country’s greatest civil rights proponents.  [IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are sensitive about strong opinions related to current day politics, or rather societal hot button topics, do not read this.  You have been warned.]
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So far I've managed to catch the first two debates.  The VP debate wins hands down as being the most entertaining.
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