So far I've managed to catch the first two debates. The VP debate wins hands down as being the most entertaining.
In spite of her clear lack of experience and recent fumblings with the press, Sarah Palin did a great job at holding her own and not tripping over her words in the debate. I was also similarly impressed with Joe Biden. They both had a few moments of pause or stumbling, and I don't agree with 100% of anything either one said. But there was an energy, an almost non-threatening friendly energy to the exchange that was at least not uncomfortable to watch as the first presidential debate was.
I don't believe either of them managed to woo anyone from the other's camp. We also saw some of the clear differences in policies in areas such as foreign policy, Iraq, taxes, government programs, and energy. There were obvious times when each candidate skirted answering a question. There were times when their answer was to pummel their opponent rather than actually give their stand on an issue. Pretty much the same old political dance.
Nothing really outstanding came of it, and certainly nothing new. Both camps cry out about lowering taxes yet they also in the next breath talk about spending more on their own personal agendas. I think the American people realize you can't have it both ways, cut taxes and spend more. So it will undoubtedly be spend more no matter who is elected. It mostly felt like hard line democrat vs. republican party battle that we've had the last several decades. Nothing new.
I'm ready for something new. I guess we'll have to wait another 4 years to hope for that.
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