Yet, the word “Evil” falls far too short of describing the depths of what is wrong with it. The Roman Catholic Church (hereafter RCC) is not a Christian church, is not serving GOD or Christ, preaches and practices blasphemy, and is in bed with every corrupt government in this world.
Yes, I realize this is a strong statement. However the evidence that supports this is readily available from sources including the RCC itself. Throughout the coming months I will begin to slowly piece together everything I’ve discovered in separate posts. Some will be a simple contrast between what GOD and Christ have said through the Holy Scripture verse what the RCC says and does. That alone is a damning conviction. Yet there is so much more. Some posts will direct you to evidence others have pieced together. In time, anyone who is willing to think for themselves will surely be lead to the same conclusion.
These coming posts or slow revelation, is long overdue and has been on my heart for well over a year. It’s one reason why posts have been few on this site. My love/hate relationship with politics urges me to focus on the massive political upheaval taking place in the U.S. and around the world. Yet, no only are so many others doing an awesome job at this already, more importantly Christ has been calling me to make this a place for HIS truth; to share the many eye opening revelations He has guided me through, as it pertains to not only the RCC but also how his bride, the church, has turned from Him. My indecision has lead me to nearly just selling this domain so someone else can develop it in some sort of direction. But that small inner voice, the gentle one that tells us what we should really be doing to serve our Lord, the Holy Spirit, prevails if we heed him as we should. So moving forward politics will enter into the posts here only as it ties in with the RCC.
We in the church may sense something is not right in the church today but go with the program anyway because we can’t quite put our finger on it. Many in the church today sadly don’t have a clue. Then there are those who are leaving the church because they realize there are problems. I hope to share what I’ve learned going forward. I would welcome conversation on this as well. If you are reading and have your own revelations to share please contact me.
My apologies to my RCC friends. I love you all and because of that wish that each of you might come to see the truth and turn toward Christ with all your heart.
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