Sound familiar? Remember hearing about this in history class? How the colonists in that newly settled land decided they'd had enough of the King and his cronies taxing them to the point of poverty without getting any benefit from it?

Fast forward to 2007, to Indianapolis, a city in the middle of the so-called heartland, where the same thing is happening all over again. The same lack of regard from those "in power", arbitrarily deciding to take money from their "treasured" constituents. 

Remember what the colonists did? Remember that burgeoning town of Boston? And the tax on tea levied by the King? My fellow citizens of Indianapolis, it's time for another tea party! It's time to dump tea in the downtown canal and see if we can wake these idiots up!

So these new taxes are supposed to fight crime? What about all the previous taxes? What about all of the taxes on top of taxes on top of taxes? Not only are we taxed numerous times on the same dollar, something the founding fathers promised would never happen again, but all of those taxes are spent on the whims of those governing us. What happened to accountability? If crime is so out of control Mister Peterson, why haven't previous tax dollars been spent on it? Why wait until now??? What's your excuse?

The Indianapolis Star has reported Mayor Bart Peterson as having said "The fight against crime is the most important battle we have once we've straightened these property taxes out…". I have news for everyone in this city. The biggest crime taking place here is this administration STEALING money out of all of our pockets because they don't have enough left over from all the rest of the money they've stolen and wasted before. And quite frankly, I'm tired of it and I'm ready to press formal theft charges against this entire administration! But do we need to raise taxes again to be able to afford to do that? Imagine how many colorful metaphors are appropriate to exclaim at this moment!

Now mind you, I believe in taxes, and the social services they are intended to provide. I have no problem paying my fair share for police, fire, and medical emergency services. To provide food for the homeless… oh wait, we don't do THAT with tax dollars do we? To repair schools for our children. Oh… not doing that either. No, we're taxing the shirts off of our citizens to buy a freaking football stadium!!! OH MY GOD!!! What kind of social service is that??? How many homeless are being fed there? Or sleep there? And how many more homeless will there be after we all lose our homes because we can no longer afford to pay taxes of any sort??? The advocates of the albatross downtown claim all sorts of things like the funds for that come from a different source. Sorry- NOT BUYING THAT! The funds all come out of my pocket. And my neighbors' pockets. And those of my coworkers. That's where the funds are coming from. Call it what you want, put what ever kind of spin on it you want, the bottom line is, it all still comes out of our pockets!! All of it! If all restaurant taxes had gone towards fighting crime would we really need yet another tax increase????

Mister Irsay, don't think you're dodging this one. You proudly stand up after your team wins the Super Bowl and claim it's for Christ. Are you kidding me? Is blackmailing Indianapolis with the threat of leaving, provoking them to increase taxes to support your own self interest, wealth and ambition, representing Christ? How many homeless are you feeding? Are you going to buy my home when I can't sell it because no one will live here any more? Yes, this IS personal. You really want to represent Christ? Try business without blackmail. Have the guts to be different than the other team owners! Buy your OWN stadium. Give the money back. You're a stand-up guy, I know you can do it.

To the people of Indianapolis, think for a moment. How is it every other privately owned business in this state has to be self funded but football is excluded from that? Sure, give them a tax break, but give them my tax dollars to build the ugliest building downtown? NO! I was NOT represented when that decision was made. Nor was i represented when this latest tax increase was passed. And you haven't been represented either. Will the extra police hired be used to escort people protesting more taxes out of public meetings? Sure, I'll ante in on that!

Welcome to the new old world Indianapolis, of taxation without representation.

Where's the tea?

Scott Hampton
Indianapolis, IN

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