Six years.  Six long years.  Six short years.  Hmmm… No doubt countless words will be written and spoken this day, this anniversary.  Far be it from me to attempt to add or detract from these words.  I'm certain some will be profound.  Undoubtedly most will be meaningless. 

September 11, 2001 is a day that each of us here in the US can remember where we were, what we were doing, when we first heard the earliest reports.  No amount of blathering can bring back all of those precious lives lost.  Nor can it begin to make any more sense of it today, six years later, than could be made of it that day.

What today is, is an opportunity.  To remember where you were in life at that unforgettable moment.  To reflect on how far you've grown as a member of the populace that remains living after that day.  What have you done with these six years you've been given that several thousand had stolen from them?  Is the world a better place?  Could or should it be?  Do you still feel patriotic, or has time worn that away?  Are you still hugging your loved ones every day, telling them how much they are loved by you, because today could be the last day you can say so?  Or does that not seem quite so pressing now as it did six years ago?

Today, is an opportunity.  To remind ourselves what's really important.  And what could be taken from us in a horrifying instant.  To remember those lost, and to rejoice for those who remain.  To examine the path we're on and make corrections if needed.  To forgive all of the insignificant matters we find ourselves stewing over.  To realize being stuck in a traffic jam is better than being crushed by a tower.  To know that finally getting through the traffic and getting home to someone waiting, is far better than walking into an empty home that six years ago wasn't so empty.  This is a day to stop dwelling on what we want and don't have and to be thankful for what we do have.  And to cherish that.  Today.

Opportunity's knocking.


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